Thursday, June 25, 2015

Hello world!

Hi there,

I am a certified & registered Energy Manager. Many would ask "Why this alias name?". Well, first of all, Pikachu is a very famous anime character in Japan that emits electricity. Everytime we sees electricity, some of us would think of Pikachu. Most of my topic will be about energy management & efficiency and that electricity is part of the energy, therefore Pikachu comes into the picture. "Then how about 916?". Hmm...guess it's my lucky number.

So here I am, on my first time writing a blog about energy management & efficiency. The main reason for this blog is because I would like to share what I know about energy saving, doesn't matter if it's inside the house or outside the house.

We all know that population has grown to more than 7 billion of people ( it's still increasing. If we still do not take action on energy conservation, our future generation might not enjoy what we had in the past (fresher air, cooler temperature, cleaner water, etc.)

We want to build a greener environment for the living beings on Mother Earth. But to make it happen, we need the support of everyone that is living here. We can't do it alone. We have the technology and the knowledge but the people will need to have the sense of responsibility in taking the necessary action.

I know that many of you want to act but was held up because of :
1) I don't think anybody will do that.
2) No, you can't do that.
3) Why waste your time or energy to do this.
4) I think other people will figure out how to make it happen.
5) It's expensive to buy those costly technology.

Well, guess what? We'll need to stop thinking about those why, what, where, who, when or how and start taking action. That's the reason for this blog post. I'll be sharing with you on all the available ideas that we can use to save energy and with as little money as possible.

Of course if you have any suggestion or better ideas, then please do share in the comment as this is a knowledge sharing for everyone.

So I hope that this blog will bring some differences into many people's lifestyles.

The future is in our hand.

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